Went to Dr. Lok for relief of osteoarthritis pain. Before I began acupuncture treatments I could not stand or walk for longer than a half-hour due to hip pain. My forefoot pain wakened me at night. I also couldn't sit for very long due to pain in my spine. My thumbs and forefinger were so sore that I had difficulty cutting veggies and preparing food. I was overall fairly crippled and limited in my activities. After 8 or 9 treatments I now have my life back. I can walk for an hour without pain, stand for a couple of hours for cooking, and engage in the physical activities I enjoy. For the first 3 treatments I didn't experience much relief of pain, although, gratefully, I started sleeping deeply and well. You have to sign a paper stating that you understand that your symptoms my get worse before they get better. This was true for me. After 3 treatments I was starting to lose faith. At my fourth treatment Dr. Lok said benefits begin depending on how long it takes your body to respond to treatment. From the fourth treatment on, I got markedly better. And each treatment after that gave exponential improvement. Not only was there relief of pain, but other benefits accrued. My complexion cleared up. I gained in overall energy so that I began feeling more vibrant and energetic than I had in a long time. I have had acupuncture treatments from probably 20 acupuncturists over the decades. Dr. Lok is definitely the master of them all. If you fear acupuncture because you hate "needles", acupuncture needles are not like shots or sewing needles; they're flexible and very fine. Treatments do not hurt. You're aware of the entry of the needles, but it's not a sensation of pain; it doesn't hurt. I find acupuncture treatments to be relaxing.