The owner is a racist. That's right, I used the "R" word because he used the "N" word in my presence. I went for breakfast with my boyfriend and the owner began talking to us about where we were from originally and felt it appropriate to tell use he lived in "Lousiana" (emphasis on the word, lousy) and then began to tell us why he thought it was lousy. He lost me after he brought up "all the black people" and yes, used the "N" word. Yes, that "N" word.
I don't know why this man felt he could be so candid with us, but I gotta imagine-if this is his public face I'd hate to see what he's like as a person. The most baffling thing to me is the place is covered in his Christian beliefs-it's everywhere-normally a turn off for me but the food is decent. How can such a "devout" Christian be such a hypocrite...and therein lies my rant of how super duper Christian folk usually turn out to be "not so" Christian.
Appalling. That's all I have to say. His daughter is very nice-hopefully she hasn't picked up the same beliefs as he has, or at least she is smart enough not to broadcast them.