This place sux my scooter that 900 pluz my harley helment was stolen it's either crakhwhore or guy that stole or someone that knows my wherea about I'm pissed bout it. so complained and they said were gonna try to increase security YEH RIGHT LIARS. I'm leaving wen my lease it up or get another place or house to buy with the bf. Then I had my freind neighbor tell me that here neighbor car was stolen then found later at casino and hes clothes was stolen from the public washer and dryer laundrymat. I wish I knew this other wise I would've never moved here. They only thing that got going is its affordable like 660 for 1 bdrm plus 5 for cable. But u have to pay electric, water and sewerage. they have workout room that plus too for me and tennis court and volleyball here. oh n pool and jacuzzi. ur better off staying off at Seigel Suite people maybe don't have to worry bout ur vehicle getten stolen now I have to ride bicylce again.