This place is unreal. Someone is standing to give a sample and I take it. They then ask me to come in to test out an eye cream. I had makeup on and let them take off my makeup only after they told me there was makeup I could use to reapply. She's puts on the eye cream and after telling me that this "$1,000" eye cream is "on promotion for today only" for $199, I told her I needed to research first. I then ask her if she could just tell me which concealer to use and she proceeds to tell me to have a look myself because she doesn't know makeup. Ummmm- don't you work for the same damn company? I think ask the guy who gave me the sample on which concealer I should use and he tells me to go to Inglot because they are phasing out their makeup and all the samples are old. After going to Inglot and giving them a sale....I went back to this scam of a store and slammed their stupid cheap sample on the makeup counter and told them to keep it. I'm sure you fool a lot of tourists from Europe but I'm from NYC - come on boo. I wish I could have recorded how idiotic everyone in this store sounded. Telling your potential customers to go to another makeup store??!?! By the way, that "$1000" eye cream is selling for $175 online! GTFOH! Come to NYC and I'll show you how real scam artists operate. The guy in the front was too worried about adjusting his $5 scarf to even acknowledge how idiotic he sounded.