After being introduced to this more family friend version of hooters a couple years back I had to drop by again to start my holiday gluttony-fest. Between my bro, my cousin and myself we opted for the 80oz tower of Steam Whistle. Didn't know if it was just our tolerance/ability to consumption large volumes of alc but the 80oz disappeared sooner than we thought. The beer had good flavor and went well with the wings. We had the cajun wings which is my fav and also tried the thai chili and regular hot sauce flavor. Enjored the vibe and the wings of the place so much that I had to stop by again before I went back to SoCal.
Upon our return we had a different experience when we were rudely ignored for the first 15min. of being seated. Apparently, the waitress in-charge of our table was a noob but that shouldn't be an excuse. Luckily, Melissa, who was responsible for tables at the opposite end of the restaurant took us under her wing and made up for the neglectfulness. Melissa saved this place from getting a negative rating from. To Wacky Wings manager: Promote Melissa!