This was the worst doctor office visit I've encountered in my life. I was supposed to see Dr Robinson for my carpal tunnel who I made sure is contracted with my insurance but somehow this Raia guy was foisted on me. He spent literally 1 minute with me, didn't do a full hand exam, examine my previous nerve conduction studies or do anything but tell me what carpal tunnel is (which I was well aware of already). Once I mentioned my interest in physical therapy or acupuncture before surgery, a switch flipped and he lost it. He told me condescendingly while shaking his head at me that my hand will never ever get better and essentially that I'm stupid for not diving into surgery and giving him my full trust. He didn't answer any of my questions, just told me "Good luck with that" and ran out of the room. His bedside manner is so amazingly bad, I can't believe he still has patients! Maybe the only way he can get them is by taking them from his partners. Billing me for a 30 second or 1 minute office visit would be fraud in my opinion, so I'm making sure that these crooks can't bill my insurance, even if I have to get my lawyer involved.