Sorry R.P. but I cannot consciously contribute to your campaign to end bullying as long as you choose to discriminate towards who gets to come up on stage with you.
I've seen R.P. twice now about a year and a half apart. Each show they pre choose ten people who get to go up on stage for a skit. Knowing this, before the second show I asked for stage passes only to be told, "sorry, we've given them all out". Ten minutes later I see a guy walk in with a stage pass. Obviously I was lied to because neither my wife or I fit into their age and/or ethnic group (I am a 47 year old white male my wife a 49 year old Asian).
Each show ten people are picked to go up on stage. In two shows I have seen of those ten people (twenty all together) they all fit into one category: Age 18-30. All male. 19 of 20 were white. Not one female picked. Not one Asian (the audience to second time was at least 25% Asian). Nothing except white guys between 18-30 with one exception (middle eastern).
If this is the way R.P. wants to be known, fine, just don't expect anybody but young white males to contribute to your charity.