| - I've had AAA on and off over the years, and no matter where I've been I've gotten excellent service and been treated politely.
However, in Phoenix, that doesn't occur.
I'm sitting at Jack-in-the-Box and it is 110° and I'm supposed to wait for an hour and a half for a tow truck because I blew a coolant hose. And not only do I have diabetes, but my service dog is sick and is lying in the back of my car panting her lungs out. I'm a senior citizen and in dog years she's older than me. So I call in to the call center and ask a teenage snippet named "Kylie" where my tow truck is.
She obviously doesn't give a rats ass about me or my dog or anything other than looking pretty at her call station. Her not taking me seriously, and just parroting back the same information I was given 45 minutes ago doesn't make me all warm and fuzzy and I mention that it's easy for her sitting on her butt in the call center in air-conditioning CLICK I'm cut off.
What is very clear is the AAA either doesn't have the funds to mount a decent service in Phoenix, or the money is being misappropriated to management. Tomorrow I'm going to get on the Internet and see what to make of their funding versus expenses. As much as I can tell tonight, these people are careless assholes all the way down.
They also have a cheery message that says if you're calling in, and we only call in for emergencies, "we're having a higher than normal number of calls coming in so if you can't get through you may just consider calling back later."
I guess maybe tomorrow. I guess I should go home, get a good nights sleep, and come back to my emergency in the morning when it is more convenient for them.
These people need to hang it up. This is shit customer service and is it shit respect that they pay the people who are coughing up their salaries with their dues.
My advice?
Get different roadside assistance. I'm going to look into it. These people don't give a shit about you or me, so let's take our business elsewhere.