yall just got a $2 raise, sadly 95% still dont act like you did... dawgs i pass by the drive thru today around 6:30pm and you guys tell me "what can i get get for you..."instead of "hey how are you? how can i help you? thanks for voting to raise minimum wage now i have more money" i pay for my food and at the second window all i see is a hand giving me my food.. she didnt say a single word, just handed me my food, thats all...so i just grabbed my food and drove off without saying a word too. i hear a shout "thank!" 15 seconds after i get out of the drive thru . i dont know if this cashier got spaced out or hypnotized by the heat, or if she was legally blind...I started eating my fries as soon as i left mcdonalds cause a brothas gotta eat nomsaying? i tried adding ketchup to my fries at the next stop light and guess what? yall forgot the ketchup... i know its a fast food restaurant but dang yall are getting $10 an hour now thats what yall wanted ... only reason i stopped here was because i work down the street... guess i gotta stop by burger King now...