To paraphrase Seinfeld: "You know how to 'take' the reservation, but you don't know how to 'hold' the reservation and that's really the most important part".
We were attending my mother- and father-in-laws' joint 90th birthday dinner with family coming from several distant locations. My wife made the reservation while we were there for dinner several weeks ago and they took our number and confirmed it. Our group showed up ready to eat, but were turned away due to a private party - the whole place was closed to the public at 5pm on a Thursday evening! The man who spoke with our party (he is the seated man in the white jacket in the employee photo posted on Yelp) was rude, appeared insincere in his apology and came off as downright annoyed with us for bothering him - he refused to answer ANY questions on why no one called us, what happened, how this happened or anything. He just kept reciting the same thing telling us he could not help us.
Last minute, we called Mulligans Bar & Grill in Oregon who were happy to accommodate our group, provided spectacular service and excellent food. (see
We live in Oregon and have been to HK many times in the past as the food is generally good though as others have noted service varies. Never again. What a disappointment!