I've got a 2 hour layover so armed with my trusty ipad I decided to review this box restaurant. I usually don't review places like this. They are all the same to me. Food is on the average side. I ordered a chilli, coffee, and a donut. The food tastes the same as every other T Hortons I've been to. That's the advantage of these box restaurants, generally there are no surprises.
My tirade is going to be on the service staff. These women are awful! The counter person who served me did not dare look me in the eyes when addressing me. Avoiding eye contact, looking down, she mumbled something incoherent to me. I had to ask her twice what she was trying to say to me. She wanted to know what kind of bun do I want with my chilli.... Whole wheat or white.
I know many of the counter people who work at T Hortons are immigrants working for min wage and they are working long hours, but have a bit of empathy! A weary traveler would certainly appreciate a friendly smile and a sweet disposition! I think showing that you're happy can make you feel happy! Just food for thought.... Something to think about on your next coffee break.