| - Hey, its difficult to find anything particularly wrong with this stadium, which is especially remarkable coming from an obstinate sports fan who intends to hate before he loves.
Immediate impressions of the stadium are that it is very well-designed and constructed with fan comfort in mind. Chase nails this aspect solidly. The concourse are rife with eating and drinking options. You literally cannot walk 10 steps without tasty, delicious stadium food beckoning your fat ass to indulge; polish dogs, ice cream, 24 oz. bottled beer; Peter fucking Piper Pizza (Mmmmmm!). The concourse also opens up brilliantly into the field of play, and one can go take a break from the seats but still have the ability to watch the action on the field. Very important feature, particularly with baseball where sitting down can become monotonous.
The actual field of play is marvelously constructed, with modern and classic designs colliding. The dirt path from the mound to the plate is a throwback to the 30s, while the pool in the outfield adds a very unique and "Arizona" touch. Pretty damn cool. The classic clockface in centerfield is beautiful, and the grade of the stands are perfect for the noise to reflect off the metal structure. Now that its under new management, they are opening the roof much more, which is a HUGE plus. Many fans have been complaining about the lack of open air since the stadium opened.
So two things that I don't like about the stadium, one ornamental, the other functional.
First, the hokey, 90s-esque mosaic on the outfield slats. Jesus. How about an update? Its just looks so fucking bad, its almost embarrassing, and has prevented the outside of this architectural masterpiece from aging with grace. How about HUUUGE pictures of current players, or true windows to let the light in and perhaps a view of the distant skyline? This would require, of course, for PHX to actually knock down the Garage Mahal and actually build an outfield skyline.
This leads me to problem #2, the aforementioned "Garage Mahal", the most deplorable, atrocious boner yet for our mentally-ill city planners and officials. What a total fucking waste to build the most useless and overly enormous parking garage that ultimately discourages people from walking through downtown before and after the game, restricted the potential for bars and restaurants to be placed there instead (fuck, they didn't even give the option for ground level retail), and mostly sits at 1% capacity on non-baseball-days. That would be 284 days of uselessness.
Though this isn't the D-backs fault, it is a result of stadium proximity, so as a penalty, combined with those silly mosaics, it loses a star and red pigment.
Overall, however, Chase field is the tits and will eventually be a MLB classic.