With already such a busy schedule I had to find a groomer right away. With the help of yelp, I found this place with great reviews with only a 7ish minute drive. I dropped off my Milo at a very convenient time, and the staff was SOOO nice. I picked up my puppy about 2 hours later and and was informed that he did very well considering it was his first time. It made me feel 1000x better to know that my puppy was so comfortable and relaxed around the staff. I am not exaggerating when I say, my puppy was the softest he has ever been! Loved the staff and props to the lady with the tattoos! (I dont want to butcher her name, but I believe it was either Destrie or similar) ALSO, they do not do tips on cards! ONLY CASH. I had to embarrassingly go run and grab some cash from the closest 7/11. I'm so happy with the outcome and thanks to Wag 'n' Wash. Milo and I have now found the grooming place we'll be visiting frequently!