This place is horrible. When I was a kid, my dad would drag me grocery shopping and I would bitch and complain about how it wasn't fair until he sat me in the trolley and gave me a block of cheese to eat. If I'd known about the Metro on Bloor then, I would have asked my dad to take me shopping all the time. Who doesn't want to sit in the cart and eat cheese?! That's awesome!
This Metro is not awesome; it's sadsome. The aisles are more cramped than my shower, the staff randomly walk away from the register while ringing up your purchases (without so much as an 'excuse me' or 'I'll be back in a minute!') and the ice cream selection sucks.
The only redeeming qualities are the cheap pizza on Wednesday nights and the fact that the lettuce (and produce in general here) is actually pretty decent. Oh, and when cracker barrel is on sale. Which is often. Thank god.
After all that, I'm ashamed to admit that this is pretty much the only place I go to regularly enough (it's very close to where I live and I don't have a car so I don't have a choice) to even have a chance at becoming the Duchess of anything.
I'm coming for you, Graeham. You and Kate Middleton better watch yourselves. This bitch is planning a coup. One visit a day until it happens, guys. One visit a day...