If you're looking to blow a couple thousand dollars or much more, then you have found the right place! I signed up, yes, signed up as in a binding contract, about a year ago. They want the money up front. Then off to the room I went where there are ten or twelve big fat recliners. David, the hypnosis instructor came in for the weekly educational discussion and I offered a positive experience I had with what I had chosen to eat that week. I felt so proud of myself. He then served me up as a horrible example of what not to do. Not only did I not lose weight, I ballooned. Since that time I have gone to another solution, one which has worked and I have lost over 60 pounds. One thing in Positive Changes' favor, they are insistent about honoring their contract; however, I do not want to go back and have them take credit for my weight loss. And yes, they do insist on honoring the contract and even had an ex-Marine sargeant grill me on what I was doing wrong. So stay away.