Review for Optical dept at JCPenneys:
I find prices to be lower at JC Penneys optical than at Eye Masters and Lenscrafters.
JC Penneys optical had a sale price of 98 dollars for single lenses glasses including frames. At Christown the selection of frames was small but I settled on a pair. The clerk was friendly and talkative--but 2 weeks later when I returned for pickup she was the opposite. Having a bad day...
Had to return to the optical dept. for a problem with my frames. Instead visited JCPenneys-Arrowhead where they had a huge selection of frames. 3 or 4 times as many as Christown. JCP-Arrowhead had several clerks and one fixed my frames right away. Frames were so stiff that I had to practically pry them open. Never had that problem before...
I'll buy my next glasses at JCP-Arrowhead based on the big selection and the customer service.