I decided to enroll my 4 year old son for some soccer classes when I found a deal I couldn't pass up on Groupon. The deal was $50 for a season which adds up to about 8 - 12 classes. After signing up, they try to get you into buying a $20 soccer jersey with the "Lil' Kickers" logo. I wanted my son to look official, so I bought him the jersey. I swear, as soon as he put on the jersey, he became Mr. SoccerrFootboll! The coach offered the exact kind of training my son and other kids his age needed.. The Basics. From running around the track, recognizing your teammates, connecting ball to goal and diconnecting ball from hands. After the season was over, my son was a bit more lively, confident and athletic. I recommend Lil' Kickers / Indoor Soccer Park to any parent who is looking for good, fun and professional recreation for the little ones. Victoria Beckham.. eat your heart out!