| - I came in midway through the adult entertainment expo and CES, so the taxi line was ridiculous... think 1 hour to get through it. To their credit, the employee manning the taxi hub was an absolute pro. He must've gotten 500 people cabs in the time it took us to get through the line. It isn't a pretty job, but he did it with grace, efficiency, and courtesy. For this, I salute you, McCarran Cab Stand Man.
McCarran had the absolute quickest TSA scanning process I've ever been through. I waited for a total of 5 minutes from standing in line to have my id checked to getting my luggage from the machine. I'm sure this was not the norm, but it shocked me.
Luggage pick-up was quick and easy. This is DEFINITELY a pro.
Con: try to avoid any medical emergencies in the airport. A lady went into anaphylactic shock while I was waiting for my return flight. It took almost 10 minutes for EMTs to arrive, which pretty much would've been a day for this lady had the manager of the Pizza Hut-Burger King-Cinnabon not been so proactive and on point with giving this lady assistance.
The Delta check-in line is kinda ass-backwards in it's quick c/i to luggage line. You have to walk through the c/i machines to get to the line. I'm sure this was supposed to work in theory, but they need to move the roping. It's a bad idea.
Overall, a decent airport, and it has wifi from what I hear (did not know before, but I will be using this on my next trip).