Most uncomfortable text conversation I've ever had with a supposed "real estate agent".
Found what seemed to be the perfect house for our family on Craigslist (I know, should have been my first clue). Called the number listed, and left a message requesting more information on the home.
A few hours later I receive a text from who I assume to be " Cosmin" or whomever and it started out okay. I'd prefer a phone call for first contact, but that's just me I suppose. There's something to be said about a property management company that is too lazy to even make a phone call.
He states that the house is available, so I asked when we would be able to view it. He responds with, "I have a lockbox. You can send a picture of your DL and I can give you the lockbox code so you can view the house tomorrow"
Huh? Since when is it required to send such sensitive information to someone whose name I don't even know in order to receive a lockbox code? I advise him that I'm not comfortable sending a pic of my DL, and ask if we can just meet at the house instead. No response, he just ignored me. I've viewed plenty of homes on this search and others before it without sending my DL.
Got me thinking...
1. If he doesn't trust people to not trash the place or do something irresponsible, then why won't he schedule a time to show the house??
2. What kind of a lazy agent refuses to schedule and just stops a conversation with a prospective resident dead in the water??
I contacted a real estate friend of mine and she said the house isn't even listed on MLS for rent and hasn't been since October 2013. SO GLAD I did a little research on this business, clearly I dodged a bullet!