Like all the other sushi burrito places that have popped up in Las Vegas in the past year, California Sushi Burrito is right up there with JaBurritos and Pokeman. However I do have to say, California Sushi Burrito prices are a bit cheaper and their customer service is a tad bit better. They offer a lot of good deals like free soda with yelp check-in, free miso soup for any burrito/bowl done in, and sweet potato chips with any burrito/bowl takeout.
The Santa Monica and Poke burrito were both very tasty. It had the perfect amount of sauce/fish/topping ratio. My boyfriend has never tried a sushi burrito ever and he thoroughly enjoyed it for a first timer. We highly recommend this spot if you're ever in the area!
Don't forget to ask about heir stamp card if you're a loyal poke eater. From looking at the card, it looks like buy 6, get one free, buy another 4, get another free! They don't allow combining cards, so don't forget to bring your card with you!