On July 11 Krispy Kreme ran a special, buy one dozen donuts and get a dozen glazed donuts for 77ยข. We arrived at 2:30PM and waited only a minute or so to be helped. I ordered a dozen chocolate covered and a dozed glazed. The nice girl helping me told me they were out of glazed but she would give me a second dozen chocolate donuts for the special price. I accepted the offer.
Before she could box up the two dozen donuts, several other customers had entered and placed orders.
The short version of this story is they RAN OUT OF DONUTS! I don't mean they ran out of chocolate donuts, they had NO MORE DONUTS AT ALL! I looked in the back (you know how you can see the donuts being made?) and sure enough there weren't any donuts cooking. That's some pretty poor planning.
I asked when they expected more donuts to be ready. I was told after 4:00PM, over an hour later.
So, my one star rating is because I never even got to try the donuts!
To be honest, I'm sure I'll go back to this location at some point, but I won't go out of my way. It just isn't worth it when I run the chance that they won't have any donuts.