I was here for an Oracle dinner, and I was.... amazed.
A - wesome... food. Like amazing. Like, you want to eat it, then pinch yourself to see if you're awake, then notice that the plate is still there with that deliciousness, and then eat it again, and then repeat.
M - eticulous service. Always made sure there was wine or plates taken away, or water that needed re-filling. They've acquired this skill which you see at many of the Strip restaurants where they can reach over almost like a ninja, and pour the water while you're just chatting and not even seeing... then you glance over and go... hey! magic water refill GO! And then wet your lips.
A - stonishing displays. The food is prepped so that it looks ... beyewtiful. You don't even want to bust into it since it's an art piece in itself.
Z - ero cool. Yeah, you didn't think I had a good phrase for "Z" did ya. I believe this restaurant used to be another Asian place but they re-did it as this Japanese restaurant and it definitely has been done up better than the rest.
E - xcellence. I can't describe the amount of fun I had that night. At a business dinner. A BIZNESS DINNAH. That's what hospitality is all about, and Kumi definitely made a great showing of it.
D - electable. Did I mention what I mentioned in my A's? There's a chicken dish that you taste it and you swear up and down it's so juicy in the white meats that it's like duck. You always have heard that it "tastes like chicken" but what? Have you ever heard chicken... "tasting like duck"? I haven't. But I've experienced it.