Absolutely superb.
7 Restaurants for the price of one really. When you think about that and how long you can sit around eating top quality food, the price is actually pretty reasonable. $50/person for a dinner may seem like a lot, but i'm more than willing to pay it to eat at Bacchanal. Similarly there will be a line a mile long to eat at the buffet, but the line moves and it is so well worth the wait.
There's something for everyone, from fish and shellfish to steaks and meat loaf. From sushi to pasta to tacos. The food's delicious and you'll want to keep going back for more. My favorites included the rigatoni with sausage, some of the Asian dishes, and the carne asada tacos.
But for me, the highlight, the cherry on top, is the dessert station. Those warm cookies are heavenly. And then to add a bit of ice cream on top.....perfection.
Bacchanal is the one buffet worth going to. GO AND ENJOY!!