After a choppy flight, losing my luggage, I spent the first night sleeping in my travel clothes...yuck. American Airlines brings my bags to the hotel, and a Sudan-Charlotte (that's what he told me at least) bellhop delivers the luggage to my room.
Bellhop: Whoa.
Me: Sup?
Bellhop: Oh my god...where are you from?
Me: San Francisco.
Bellhop: No, no, no. Before that!
Me: Oh ok...LA. That's in California.
Bellhop: No I mean...I've never seen someone so dark with your kind of eyes.
Me: Oh, this is how we all look in California.
Bellhop: Ahhhh...interesting.
I had to give him a bigger tip for that one.
My room had a jacuzzi in the bedroom. If i only had a posse and a party to go with it, it would be pretty hot. Large rooms, clean, nice layout.
The shuttle drivers are cool. People are really nice in Charlotte.