A team lunch, and 3 of us has gotten food poisoning. I was the first, called yesterday and spoke to manager Christian who sounds like a high school kid who only kept saying "we'll look into this" and "go see a doctor". Finally I said I'm calling you in good conscious that there's an issue with your food, and finally I told him I will know when I need to go see a doctor. Talking to this guy was like being in a car accident, where he kept side stepping to admit any responsibility or even basic acknowledgement that the restaurant could make you ill within minutes of leaving.
The next day, I learned 2 more coworkers are ill, one who is ill with fever and throwing up. I just called again to update Christain, and literally I quote him "awesome, excellent. We'll look into this".
FOR THE LACK OF PROFESSIONALISM OR COURTESY, I will not be eating here again and will redirect my peers to do the same.