this is more of a reminiseing with vinne then a review (that will come later)
so Story time with vinnie!
I have a love hate relation ship with the Ice house....I have seen more sunrises here than any other PHX location because I've shot so much stuff here....and we always seem to go to sunrise....
Once I left the Icehouse and passed by to men digging a ditch..."what have you been doing ?" They Asked me. "we have been digging a ditch for 6 hours and your twice as dirty as us!" well I had just spent 14 hours in the Ice house Rafters on my belly moving lights around on a rickety unsafe latter....(not the Ice houses fault, production should have had something safer...)
despite that the Icehouse is one of the coolest Locations for just about any thing...Photo shoot, or film shoot, party or art gallery it s a unique place all its own...
ok only been here once for just a party music thing....wish there was more bathrooms and the better drink Options....(-1 stars)