Found in the same building as the Light Factory and the much larger and ornate McGlohon, the Duke Energy Theater puts a new face on "intimate." Definitely not your typical theater/auditorium for a concert, but hey, I'm game for just about anything. Came here on a Wednesday night to catch "Die Roten Punkte" with my wife and some friends. Maybe only 100 seats in the whole room and most were filled. Here's my take:
Pros: I LOVE a good intimate venue. I love being able to see the musicians/artist's faces, expressions and actually see their movements whilst performing. DET definitely delivers here. We sat in the front row and were basically a part of the show!
Easy access if you park along 7th street. No crazy stairs, windy walkways or blocks upon city blocks to walk through. Simple access in Spirit Square.
Cons: The seats are pretty rickety. I'm a rather broad-shouldered individual. If I were to sit next to an infant (not in a car seat) or an adolescent, I'd be just peachy. Sitting next to another dude my size -- not so much.
Also, the risers where the seats rest are a little unstable in my opinion. Agree with Chad E on that front. You can definitely feel all of the motion happening in the room.
Overall a very fun, intimate venue to enjoy. Can't wait to catch another show here! Maybe I'll try and reserve some space next to me for more shoulder room next time. Cheers!