| - Nikki, the owner, is FANTASTIC! I personally used her service on myself twice, and then had her spray tan my "clients" for "photoshoots" and it was crucial that she NOT make the people look orange or fake, and yet still tan, sexy and natural looking. She did amazing work. She uses very high quality products, (ask for organic if that matters to you) and she knows exactly how to pose you to get the best result.
I appreciated the fact that I didn't come away from the spray tan having that funky chemical smell afterwards. Sure, maybe after 12 hours that you have to wait before bathing, you'll start to smell a little spray tan aroma- but it's not unbearable.
Then when you do shower and use very mild soap, all the bronzer washes off and you're left with a natural, warm brown glow. Its awesome. I would do this more often but it does get pricy and I think its best for special occasions.
But the thing I appreciate about Nikki the most is her positivity. She opened this business to change people's lives. As cheesy as that may sound, she means it. She's genuine, she wants to help people and spread love and warmth one tan at a time. I appreciate her gusto. Its great to see someone as passionate as she is. This translates into her business ethic and of course leaves you, the awkward naked person posing like an Egyptian in her spray booth not feeling fat, ugly or weird. She really makes me feel more comfortable naked than I am even at home. Now, that's saying something.