This is the greatest place ever if you want a healthy, happy body. With the body having stress, meds, breathing the crap air , all this and so much more build up in your 55 ft colon. This heals everything from head to toe. Gets parasites, yeast , out i never in a million years would i have believed the build up . I would shout it from the roof top that everyone needs to get this done. I believe it helped me with my not needing oxegen 24/7 . 13 months in a row in hospitals. I had the Oxygen tube done monday . If you confined spaces wont be good for you. It oxidizes the outside of your body. Amazing makes skin soft , feel younger. And a person there told me when he was sick with flu or something he couldn't shake. He went in and he felt great after said he couldn't explain it but weird. The staff are very knowledgeable about everything involving the health of your body. Just amazing. I had stopped going and stopped taking care of myself and taking care of my mom with damencha , she passed 2 months ago .And Im back on Oxygen and can hardly get out of bed. Im trying to get a life back without her and being depressed . So This time i will go once a month for my colonic. Even helps with sinius. Dont let the doctors make money by making us sicker with scripts that we most likely dont need. God Bless