leave it to corporate america to capitalize on a great idea (ipic) and roll it out, steamrolling everyone in the way...
--book your seat in advance using the website (fandango's mobile site integration not working at the time of this review)
I LOVE LOVE LOVE knowing that my seat is MINE, and if it isn't available, i'll just have to look for another showing
--choose from either the exclusive cinema suites (think first class airline seat, and then some), or the more standard and rowdy "fork and screen"
--efficient and hardworking servers and food runners.
--the concept is excellent, but with declining food quality, it could die off quickly. why would i pay $8 for a (cracked) plastic bowl of popcorn? goddamit!
#chicken wings gone south. they're the fatty and mushy "pump-me-full-of-antibiotics-while-i-stand-in-my-own-shit-while-the-steroids-grow-me-bigger-than-my-body-was-ever-going-to-grow-in-90-days-fee-lot-meat" SHIT "chicken"
#that means they're cutting other corners too... yikes.
#food often arrives "dead" cold. SEND IT BACK.
#be careful to be specific when ordering; many items are similar and your server will assume.
#effect of dining while you watch has literally put all the nearby restaurants out of business. the esplanade is a ghost town
note to lessees: always put a clause in your contract that competitors in the same property must be approed by you!
HINT: push the service button between your seats as soon as you arrive, even if the server stops by to say he'll be right with you. the button starts a timer which sends an "all call" if someone doesn't reach you quickly.