Worse staff ever, from the cashier, to the loss prevention people, to the management! If you are a Latino watch out for you might get targeted by the white loss prevention idiots. My sister and I went into this store to do some major shopping. Upon walking into the store, In noticed a tall white male staring and following my sister and I around. Of course this made us very uncomfortable...a weird looking man following us around the store?!! Finally I became upset and asked him "why is it that wherever I am, you follow me", his response was one of the worse and completely racist and rude and the Manager there was of no help and started arguing. All I wanted was to shop in peace!!! Dude really?...I make more money than you as I am a professional Graphic Designer and I am not going to risk going to jail over clothes and household items!! SHAME ON ALL OF YOU AS YOU HAVE LOST TWO GREAT CUSTOMERS WHO WOULD SHOP THERE EVERY WEEK!!!! By the way, my sister is an attorney, one of the ones who you people discriminated and we will file a law suit! Ha ha...joke is on YOU!