I went to another Ultrazone laser tag birthday party recently. Rock on!
Seriously, I have tons of fun playing this game. I learned this time that it is better to team up with at least one other person. This way you don't get nailed too many times (one covers the front, the other covers behind) and you can protect each other when you are trying to kill bases. Don't forget to hit them all cuz that's how you win the most points for your team!
Onto the birthday party aspect though. IF (God forbid) I was a parent, I would totally want my kid's birthday party to be held here. My brother and I didn't have to do a thing. We sat there with the kids while the "Game Master" served us and the kids pizza, drinks, and cake.
All of this for only $240 including tip!! That fed two adults and 13 kids with plenty of leftovers and 2 games of laser tag. Seriously...so worth it which is why I am upgrading to 5 STARS!