Came here over the weekend to get some new clothes. Granted it's a large store and they have a lot to choose from but this place is just full of trash... and by trash I mean the type of people shopping here. Big fat trashy girls with 10 kids hanging off their cart screaming their heads off and running around knocking everything over. Not one aisle didn't have clothes, shoes, bras, underwear, ect on the ground. Everything had been run over by the shopping carts and were dirty and greasy from the wheels because nobody has the decency to pick anything up. The bathrooms made WalMart toilets look like the Bellagio lmao... I know I can't expect much from a Burlington but good lord... every toilet was plugged with shit paper and piss, trash cans were overflowing with ass rags, the sinks were all sticky and wet and the soap dispenser (probably not even soap inside of it) was broken off the wall and sitting on the counter. This place is the epitome of GHETTO and I will not be going back! BLEH!