| - I never knew that Montreal had an old Jewish neighborhood around Snowden until my friend reminded me that he lived there as a kid and grew up with Schwartz's and another place called, Pumpernik's (now departed). He wanted to be sure I went and "kvelled" over a pastrami (smoked meat?) sandwich. While not an aficionado of most Jewish Deli despite my pedigree, I happily obliged him.
I understand why so many feel the urge to compare Schwartz's to Katz's in Manhattan, however, there is really no need because they are very different is scope and nationality. Where Katz's gives a broad menu of many J Deli's most famous hits, Schwartz's has a much more limited menu that focuses primarily on their meat sandwiches. They both have a ton of ethnic atmosphere, and for the People, it feels great to connect with another part of the lost tribes. Otherwise, the food itself is excellently prepared with an almost Biblical recipe, and is quite tasty. Certainly worth a trip if you are in Montreal and enjoy fat sandwiches.
Otherwise, most North American cities have at least one old Jewish Deli that can satisfy your craving for smoked beef on rye. Schwartz's up in Montreal is on that short list of great pastrami houses (Maison de Pastrami).
Sooner of later, someone will put together a Yelp List of great P'rami joints and this one will be in the top 3.