Responsive customer service, good pricing for technology. I dropped in at this Target to pick up a couple of wireless mice for our laptops. The store was well organized and the items I needed were easy to find. I looked for a store clerk to help me in Electronics, but they did not have anyone manning the station.
I proceeded to the front cashiers. To my surprise, there were only two cashiers open. I went to the shorter line and was told that the line was closing. I joined the longer queue, 6 customers deep.
I remarked to the customer in front of me. They really need to open another line. Instead of standing and complaining, I decided to give Target a chance to respond. I went back to the shorter line and asked, "Would you please as the manager to open another line?"
"No problem, " she answered.
Within 2 minutes, 2 more lines were open, and customers moved through quickly. Kudos to Target to responding to customer needs and requests.