This location of Snakes & Lattés is the largest of three currently in Toronto. There's the usual setup where the entry lobby has displays of various board games for sale, plus a boutique style barista bar and pastries display. Then there's the seating area in the back plus upstairs where there's a large selection of Boardgames for people to play in the café. Their drinks menu is very similar (almost exactly the same) as the other locations, but their food menu is slightly different. The chicken tenders, Peruvian chicken sandwich and the prosciutto bacon caesar salad are particularly good! The play all day seating fee is $8. The staff are very knowledgeable on most of the boardgames and are happy to help you get started. If you love boardgames and lattés, or you want to introduce someone to boardgames, then this is your home away from home! If you arrive early when there are still many available tables, feel free to ask the staff for a table that is near an outlet so if you wish to play a board game that has a corresponding phone app to go with it, you'll be set.