We already know for a fact or by experience that salvation army doesn't refund your money but their good enough to give you a chance to have it replaced. Unfortunately for me today while i was in this Salvation army store lining up to pay, i heard a man(middle eastern descent) complaining and was already making a scene towards the poor cashier that was calmly explaining to him that they don't do refunds on their store. It came to a point that the manager has to call the guy cause he was starting to make everybody uncomfortable. We all thought that the manager will take care of the situation and send this guy on his way... much to our surprise he secretly(and what i mean by secretly is we all heard everything even if their voices where hushed) refunded the guy.. i don't know if I will understand the manager or be offended by his approach, cause as a costumer it is not fair for us to see that you can bend a rule on your store that we have been following for years because some guy is making a scene; does that mean that we have start making a scene every time we have complaints so it will go our way, i don't think thats the message right ? I hope you're manager would do a better job on how he handle this next time cause all I have is respect on your company.