| - Have you ever watched a nature doc on the Queen bee and the honey bees are fast at work flying, hovering and stopping, then take off again. If bees wore blue tshirts and had headsets and iphones holstered to their hands then this Apple Store is the hive. Only the Queen in this case, is in Cupertino.
So yeah, every time I've come in here, everyone is running around, and swarms of people are hunched over or looking around, people walking up or down the stares with either delight in their eyes, or a certain emptiness where the reflection of a couple of Monopoly moneybags have sprouted wings.
It is grand in there, it is large, and probably larger if there weren't so many people there. I had to get a replacement charger from there, and as I lined up to pay, a small blue shirted bee happily poached me and offered to help me out.
I was in and out in about 14 minutes. No greeting at the door, in or out, but the second I had goods in my hands, I saw smiles galore and walked out with one monopoly money bag reflection flying away. But it is a Macbook that I have and cherish, and I know I spent more time gazing into it, than any other human or object in the world right now.