When it comes to pho, we usually end up here. However, I'm not a pho eater. I'm more like a pho biter. One bite to taste, one more for quality assurance. So according to my pho biting..because I have definitely had lots of pho from many places...their pho is pretty tasty.
However, my rating isn't based on the pho. I'm rating their banh mi sandwiches. I usually order the pork skin banh mi. It's not pork skin the way you may think. Crispy fried bits of pork skin, no. This looks more like chewy clear versions of the pickled daikon the put into the banh mi. I've always ordered this because there's something strange about it to me but in a good way strange. And I am no food adventurer at all. Their bread ALWAYS comes out fresh. Warm. And perfectly toasted. The meat to veggie ratio, PERFECT!! it is literally theee bessssst banh mi sandwiches out here, in my opinion. Which by the way, 3 days ago I finally discovered what the acronym IMO stood for.
I've also had the bbq pork and bbq chicken banh mi and their just as good. But I will admit the bbq chicken banh mi my son had tasted a little dry. STILL GOOD though!
When I order my banh mi I omit the jalapeƱos and replace it with squirt of sriracha and dabs of that chili oil they leave on the table. Deeeelish! Sometimes I think I love banh mi just so I have reason to squirt sriracha and have dabs of chili oil somewhere.
The service is good enough for us. They've always provided us with just the right service. I think Asians have a different caliber of "good service." There's no way anyone with the right cultured mind can keep a pho joint caliber of service to one at a steakhouse or taco shop or whatever. They're literally on their own grade scale. Lol. To end the babbling, I've never had a "bad" experience service and food wise. I'd recommend them for sure. Oh, and their bbq pork plate with rice is pretty tasty too!
Definitely kid and stroller friendly!