Labothery was so aggressively average that I didn't even sit down after I got my drink.
It is definitely an IG hype and is pretty cute. The idea is that you go into the "lab" and create your own drink. They have everything in test tubes and little petri dishes.
1. You choose hot/cold
2. You choose milk tea or fruit flavored - which you grab by the tubes (powder or syrup)
3. You choose your sweetness
4. You choose your toppings
Each of these add up and you get your total at the end. Your name will be called "Dr. Lo" when your drink is ready.
Concept is pretty novel and the workers were working as hard as they can but omg the line was so long and the bubbletea was so average.
It's a novelty thing which I'm glad I tried out but won't come again.