| - Bought their Living Social Deal for $29. Thought they would come and clean up to 1000sqft of tile floor as it says on Living Social. But no, that is just a scam to get them in the door. Once they are in the house, suddenly your floor is worse than any other they have seen and they will clean up to 1000sqft for $300. So I think to myself, I should really just kick them out the door and teach them a lesson for scamming, but I can't because we needed the floor cleaning right then and didn't have any time to do more research. So I unhappily agree and they get started.
Thinking I cannot get any more frustrated with these guys, they tell me not to worry about areas where there is furniture - they will move it around to ensure they clean the entire floor and not leave any tile untouched/not matching. When done, they not only cleaned the floor around most of my furniture because they didn't want to move it, but they also sprayed a ton of water under my entertainment stand and soaked most of the electronics and cords in their chemical filled water. Thanks guys, great job you idiots!
To top the whole thing off, I asked them about if there is a need to seal the tile after they are done (I asked this before they started). The guy told me he could ask his manager if they could but it would probably cost another $200-300. Then he said he would come by after work to do it for $50 if I bought the $60 cleaning solution from Home Depot. At the time I told him I wanted him to do it and he kept telling me to call him later and tell him if I wanted him to do it. I kept saying yes, do it, what time, and he kept telling me to call him later. Seriously?! Luckily I saw what a crap job he did on our floor and what he did to the entertainment stand stuff (not to mention not putting the few things he moved back to the correct place) and figured there was no need to call.
Finally, he told me I needed to seal it the same night to guarantee a good seal. Only I found out through a builder friend (and a few websites) that you cannot seal travertine when it is wet and it takes 24-72 hours for it to dry fully! I don't think the company nor the employees have any clue what business they are in. Probably because it is not a business at all! One other thing to add (as if the above isn't enough), they left my front door wide open when they left the house and I was not inside! If you hire these guys or use a Living Social deal they have, you have made a horrible mistake!