Well my phone shattered and I didn't know what to do. I perused Craigslist and got excited when I found Apple idoc. For $90 they drive to your location, wherever you are, and replace your screen! They even have a 90 day warranty. Seemed awesome and convenient.
Now I don't have the technical issues that everybody else I've read has. It has been about 2 weeks and all of a sudden I have a crack in my screen! I haven't dropped it or thrown it around or anything of the sort. Yet a crack on my screen popped out of nowhere not 10 minutes after my phone had ran out of battery life. If they sell screens that are legit and supposedly made by the same company that makes apple's screens, how come they can't handle an iPhone's heat?
When I spoke with the guy who replaced my screen, his was response was that he has a replacement screen on his phone and has never heard of a phone screen cracking due to heat and if that happens then it's a problem with the phone.... It is a known fact that iPhones get really hot! My original iPhone screen didn't crack due to heat so it is obviously a problem with the glass. He also offered a replacement screen for 69$...
How he handled things was not cool nor would I recommend this company to anybody!