My Refrigerator blew out a relay and I was losing food in the freezer and fridge overnight. I called six (6) Appliance Repair shops that advertised "Same Day Service", the earliest one wanted to schedule out 5 days later, the latest two weeks. I called Laron Loe and he was there within a couple of hours. Assessed the problem, had the part on hand, rolled up his sleeves and additionally cleaned up the compressor coil. End result-the unit works like new.
Best part: Exceptionally reasonable pricing. This is a Journey-Level Professional that will take care of your appliance issues post-haste and without lame excuses. Pretty rare these days. Combine that with an extremely friendly and professional demeanor and you've got a winning equation. Laron comes with my highest recommendations.
Do yourself a favor and call him for rapid solutions.
Thanks again, Laron.
Ernest Orr