I spend probably too much time and money at this Sephora, which I guess says good things about them. Let's start here: I am not glamorous. I can do the makeup basics but I'll never be one of those people with a flawless face who always looks put together. Despite this, everyone in Sephora is always friendly and willing to answer questions. The store is always well staffed and if you need help finding the right color or product there's always someone around to help. I recently went in looking for a new face wash because the one I've been using and loving isn't cruelty free. They sent me home with 6 samples to try so I could find the right replacement.
The Sephora Play box is a great way to try new products and get a little more adventurous if you're like me and always stick to one or two items/looks. I also love their return policy: you can return anything at any time for any reason.
I'd love to see Sephora make their own products cruelty free and carry more cruelty free brands in store. As such a large name in the beauty business they have the platform to make a real difference.