| - What a weird little place. The "decor", if you will, is schizophrenic at best. The aforementioned white leather couches are odd, and everyone else gets to sit on Ace Hardware plastic folding chairs. Strangely, they're not too uncomfortable. The coffee is "eh". So-so. Even the so-called light roast stuff would put hair on my chest (not a good thing). The bakery items are bordering on stale and probably came from Safeway across the street. So why 4 stars?
Well, the place is pretty quiet, with unobtrusive, neutral rock playing at a pleasant, low volume. This is in stark comparison to other locales such as Lux (who doesn't love a DJ at 8 am?) and that something-Trade place down on Central (Lilith fair, anyone?). Seeing as I am cramming for board exams right now, I need unobtrusive. I also need space, for all my eighty thousand books and binders. There are plenty of generously sized tables here, plenty of room. And, perhaps most importantly, the owners don't have the A/C on FRIGID -- a rarity in AZ the second the mercury hits 90. I can sit here in a tank top and not freeze my ass off. Very important. The clientele is an interesting melange of people (at least during the day, when I'm here) who seem friendly and mellow.
The cooler has a very eclectic array of fancy waters, Mexican Coke in real glass bottles, and chi-chi designer sodas. Cool.
Oh, and yeah, and you don't have to ask the person working here for the damn bathroom key. I. HATE. THAT.
So, despite the unexciting coffee and bakery offerings, I think I will be back.... at least until my boards are over!