| - I tell you.
Right now this store has buy one get one free on all their shoes. As soon as you walk in you see all the clothes on the wall.....
It's beautiful!
Newly remodeled or even better new owners.
All the women's' clothes is right when you walk in. It seems as though they are always up to date on the new Moda. There are so many floral pants, shirts, and even skirts.
I didn't really get to check out the men's section. (I am just not into that)
In the children's section they did have some really cute floral jeans, skinny jeans, skirts, and regular jeans.
There is also luggage for sale. It is pretty decent looking. For my trip to Mexico I will be buying my luggage here. You can also find some really really cute purses with studs on them.
When you get ready to check out there are a lot of cute nick knacks at the counter, Earrings, rings bracelets, wallets, and much more.
Lets get to the nitty gritty.....
You might ask why the -1. Well $16.00 for a shirt, it is a little pricey. I think they can do a little better than that.
I was sure a happy camper when I walked out of there with 2 new pair of shoes.
Black kombat boots, and some sandals.
Along with that some camouflage leggings.