Their soft serve machine and payment area is literally at the door and the staircase, while makes it very cramped and out of place... Kinda wish the entire thing was upstairs, where their refridgerated shop is. I like that touch. Having all their merch, cookies, and truffles inside a refridgerated box on the second floor, especially since the first floor is the kitchen and restaurant.
The compost cookie was yummy, but I wish it had more chips and crunch. If you weren't paying attention, it would just taste like a regular chocolate chip cookie.
The cereal milk soft serve is the only reason this gets 4stars and not 3. It is soooo good. If you don't know what is the flavour, Christina Tosi created it intending to mimick the taste of milk at the bottom of your cereal bowl; sugary creamy milk. The salty and crunchy cereal topping that they put on top makes it even more amazing.