Wow, after taking a look at the parks website i feel like my review will be incomplete. Well I'll couch it.
This morning I was looking for somewhere to walk around and the receptionist at my hotel said there was a park just a half mile down on McKellips. I drove by it first, then on the return found it opposite of 1733 McKellips Road. I got out and set off on the wide, well-maintained sidewalk. It wasn't that early, but the park looked abandoned except for a park working spraying something with a hose and assorted homeless people. I jogged around the lake once and went on my way, it was too manufactured I guess, and creepy that it was so abandoned.
Now I see that it is only 1 of 3 huge tracks that I was running on, and that actually the park extends from McKellips up to MacDowell. I will go back to check out the whole span of the park, see if i can find any people. All in all, I've experienced better.