Sexist Manager. I am a professional woman who attended lunch here a few weeks ago with two male coworkers. The food was fine (not a big fan of canned mushrooms though) and the server was great. However, mid-meal the manager came around to greet the tables. Upon approaching our table he asks "how is everything GENTLEMEN?" Although I was offended, I figured this may have been a mistake. However, when the same manager came by 10 min later and looked the the full glass in front of me with an empty glass next to it - he looked to my coworker and asked "Sir, is that your drink and you need another or is that hers and she is done with it?" I did not realize that in 2014 a manager for customer service would find it necessary to not address a woman directly. Offended doesn't even begin to explain my outrage. Unfortunately, I said nothing at the time - although I should have. But I will never return to be treated so poorly or to patronize an establishment managed by such a blatantly sexist male.