This is one of the best entertainment values in town and I look forward to its arrival every April. If you have not yet checked out the local improv community here in Phoenix you will be surprised at all of the offerings by various groups affiliated with the Torch Theatre. (check their website for year round performance info.)
For the annual Phoenix Improv Festival at the Herberger Theater, they jury in the best groups from around the United States for one action packed weekend. All you have to do is show up at the theater (well, get tickets first of course) and you'll have an opportunity to see some of the most interesting improv groups from around the USA all without spending a minute waiting for a flight out of sky harbor airport. Get ready to stretch your perceptions of what improv is, as these groups have so many different takes on it. Some will make you laugh, others will be wickedly irreverent or will amaze you with their talents at weaving a cohesive story line. Still others will have you thinking about them a month or longer after seeing their performance because of all the subtle intricacies woven in.
Phoenix's veteran improv groups frequently travel to other major cities to perform and have a key role in teaching and mentoring some of the up and coming local groups participating in the festival. What a great opportunity for all to share the stage with groups from outside AZ and interact offstage. fantastic learning opportunities that will only make the Phoenix improv community continue to grow better and stronger and deeper. They have a fantastic vision that's come so far and deserves our continued support!